We provide all-in-one health & wellness solutions for YOU to manage pain, increase functionality, and improve YOUR life.


Years Operating




Members Served




5-Star Google Reviews



Have you tried acupuncture or dry-needling before? 👀

Dry-needling of muscle trigger points is a very effective technique for the treatment of chronic pain and muscle tightness.

Some common conditions treated are:
✔️ Headaches
✔️ Neck and back pain
✔️ Shoulder pain
✔️ Muscle tightness

It’s a great complimentary treatment to regular Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy.

We have both Chiros and Physios certified in IMS and are able to help you if you have any further questions on it!! Also, we even have clinic shorts and shirts you can borrow while getting your treatment done!

Click the link in our bio or call (403) 930-8686 to book in today!


#acupuncture #dryneedling #intramuscularstimulaton #ims #acupuncturecalgary #acupunctureyyc #dryneedlingcalgary #dryneedlingyyc #imscalgary #imsyyc
Have you ever wondered what our name and logo represent? 🤔

No more wondering! Today is your lucky day!

Here is what it all means:
✔️ MYo is Latin for muscle, which is what unites all of our professions
✔️ Lab represents us being a place for learning, education, and our commitment to providing evidence-based care
✔️ The stick-looking things represent acupuncture needles or barbells, they can be either
✔️ And the flask represents us being a type of movement lab


#calgary #yyc #myolab #myolabyyc #creatingcommunitythroughmovement
What makes our Massage Therapists different? 🤔

If a problem found you, it can come back… but not at MYo Lab.

Generally, most people view massage as synonymous with simple relaxation, at MYo Lab we have a different approach. Our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) emphasize therapeutic massages.

This means that deeper techniques are utilized to correct your body and movement. This allows massage to be used for recovery, injury prevention and mobility restoration. Within our team, our RMTs will be taking care of your muscular and connective tissue restrictions.

This being said, a relaxation massage can be vital to those who need to de-stress, if this is you, let your RMT know and they can adjust their techniques appropriately!

Call (403) 930-8686 or click the link in our bio to book in!


#massagetherapycalgary #massaagetherapyyyc #massagetherapistcalgary #massagetherapistyyc #massagecalgary #massageyyc #rmtcalgary #rmtyyc
We are absolutely beaming with this 5-star review!! We pride ourselves in our multidisciplinary care, working together to help you manage pain, increase functionality, and improve your life.

Each review that you leave is celebrated among the team and helps us to continue serving you better. We pride ourselves on making every part of your experience as positive and seamless as can be so that you can focus on your well-being.

Have a moment to show us some love? Tell us about your experience at MYo Lab via a Google or Facebook review. We appreciate them so much!!

BONUS: each month we do TWO draws for $50 account credits from each person who leaves a review on Google or Facebook. Want to double your chances of winning? Leave us the same review on both!


#calgary #yyc #calgarysmallbusiness #yycsmallbusiness #kensingtonyyc #kensingtonlove
Our Physiotherapist Lydia is a great storyteller and she knows how to make you laugh!

She will tell you a story all about your injury or pain and how you and her will work together to correct your dysfunction and develop a treatment plan to help you move forward in your life!

Click the link in our bio or call (403) 930-8686 to get booked in with her today!


#physiotherapycalgary #physiotherapyyyc #physiotherapistcalgary #physiotherapistyyc #physiocalgary #physioyyc
Have you heard of cupping?? 👀

These wonderful cups work to increase circulation to tight tissues improving their mobility and the odds of cellular repair.

Most people feel a lot of relief in their tense tissues when cupping is applied to their stubborn tight spots.

It feels a little different for everyone, but a few common sensations pulling, dragging, itching, and warm sensations. We recommend you try it for yourself!

Click the link in our bio or call (403) 930-8686 to get booked in with one of our Chiro’s or RMT’s who do cupping today!


#chiropracticcalgary #chiropracticyyc #chiropractorcalgary #chiropractoryyc #chirocalgary #chiroyyc #cupping #dynamiccupping
We love our central location in the heart of @kensingtonyyc as it is super accessible for all of you walkers, bikers, and train takers out there!

However, a common question we get is how to find parking if you’re driving to us!

We have 5 complimentary parking spots in the alley behind us (spots 208, 209, 214, 215, 216) that you can access through 3 Ave NW or Kensington Rd NW!

There are also many 2-hour paid parking spots on the streets and parkades around us!

P.s. when you have appointments after 6pm or on Sundays with us, parking is free on the street!


#kensingtonlove #kensingtonyyc #kensingtoncalgary #myolab #myolabyyc #creatingcommunitythroughmovement #smallbusinessclagary #smallbusinessyyc
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Book an Appointment
Accepting New Patients; No Referral Necessary!
Call: 403-930-8686